
Can you really blurt out a secret lover's name in your sleep?



Couple in bed, woman frustrated while her partner snores

Pillow talk: You are more likely to speak in your sleep if you have something - or someone - on your mind

'Butter, nut, squash - I like those words' is just one of the weird phrases logged on an internet blog by Karen Slavick-Lennard, who records the strange things her husband, Adam, says in his sleep. But, is it something we all do?

Here, professor Jim Horne, director of the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University and author of Sleepfaring: A Journey Through the Science of Sleep, explains:

As a society, we find sleep talking a funny behaviour, so it's not surprising that so many have been entertained by Adam's jabbering.

Sleep talking - somniloquy - occurs in a lighter form of sleep. People often connect it to dreaming but, in fact, you can't speak during this stage, as your body is paralysed. When you sleep, your brain still  mulls things over, but it's disengaged from reality, which accounts for the strange things people say.

Sleep talking is more likely to happen when you have a niggle at the back of your mind.

It's estimated that 50 per cent of children and 5 per cent of adults talk in their sleep.

Much of what they say will be gobbledygook, as you can't construct meaningful sentences in your sleep. It's unusual for people to come out with phrases, as Adam does.

Sleep talkers cannot recall what they say, but they might wake themselves up, knowing they have spoken.

As you have no control of what you say in your sleep, you might end up coming out with something inappropriate.

I have heard of people muttering the name of their lover while asleep in bed with their wife. It is possible, as the words can be connected to what you are thinking of. 


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But it is often difficult to interpret most people's speech at night, as while some words may reflect their thoughts, others will be random.

The only time that sleep talking may be more sinister is if someone wakes up screaming, due to night terrors.

Remember, the more you worry about sleep talking, the more likely you are to do it.


Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-04-18